Thursday, September 17, 2009

Top 3

If I had to chose my top 3 anything I would pick my favorite holidays throughout the year. December 25th Christmas, if only we had Christmas lasting everyday, with all the happiness with the family around and meeting cousins that i've never seen before. The presents being the best part and even all the suprises. Christmas dinner is also great too. My second favorite holiday is my birthay; October 7th. It's the one day of the year where no one can stop you from doing anything even my parents. The night where i have no curfew and friends being with me, getting all the neat presents always makes me happy, last but not least New Years. It's the one time in the year where you get to forget all about the bad memories in the previous year. New Years also means new resolutions! Even though you try to stick with them as much as possible there is always something that will prevent you from trying to stay on top of things.
My top 3 favorite holidays are Christmas, my Birthday and New Years, each for different reasons.

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