Friday, September 11, 2009


If I could chose any superpower I'd have to pick flying. Can you imagine flying like birds and planes? Imagine not having to walk anymore, Imagine always sleeping in and flying to school and never being late. Being able to fly would change my life. You'd never have to worry about taking a plane to places all over the world instead flying super fast and being home the same day. You can also save lives if someone was in trouble. For example, if there was a fire or tsunami on the other side of the world you'd be able to go there in seconds and save millions! Another reason why flying would be awesome is because you'd be able to migrate with the birds and see what they do. Flying can also save you from getting in trouble, if you were running late for a meeting, you'd be able to just fly there and act like nothing happened. There would be no traffic that would hold you back, the earth would reduce in the amount of pollution. As well as having positives to flying there is also negatives. Birds can also attack you because you may look different to them, people that are hunting for birds may accidently shoot you. I'd have to say that if I had any superpower it would be to fly high in the sky.

1 comment:

  1. Flying would be my superpower choice aswell. The fact of reducing the amount of pollution would be helpfull to the enviroment and would improve our air quality!! Birds attacking me would scare me, aswell as getting shot at in the air while you are 700 ft up in mid air. Other than that flying is the best!
