Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Write from the point of view of a wedding bouquet

The cameras began flashing "Click Click", it was the big day for the bride and I was there to make her look even better. The shining glitter began falling from her face which landed on my petals. The warmth of the brides hands held me nice and snug and in place so I wasn't able to move. I was moved forward with the bride down the aisle, I saw several faces looking at the bride and me. Atlast, we both had reached the alter. I stood still for a few minutes and was soon squished between a gentlemen's buttons, I believe this was the groom while the bride was leaning in for a kiss. A few moments later the bride turned around and threw me in the air, it felt as if my heart had dropped but I was caught by her sister. The family began to cheer I couldn't figure out whether they were cheering for me being caught or for the bride's sister catching me.
My fellow friends had told me that once I was thrown I symbolized who was next on the list to get married.
I guess I brought nothing but joy to the wedding!

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